Honors, Awards, and Scholarships
- Student Travel Grants
- ACL [2018]
- West Coast NLP Summit (WeCNLP) [2019]
- Best paper/demo/poster awards
- Among top-6 undergrad thesis posters, BUET [2015]
- [Best Demo Award] Bangladesh Inter-University System Design and Development [2015]
- [Best Demo Award] Workshop on Mobile Computing and Human Computer Interaction [2014]
- [Second Runner-Up Award] Bangladesh National Innovative Projects on Improving Road Safety [2014]
- Fellowships/scholarship awards
- UCLA graduate fellowship [2017]
- Professor M. A. Nasser Memorial Scholarship, BUET [2014]
- Dean's List Award, BUET [2013-2015]
- University Merit Scholarship, BUET [2014-2015]
- Merit Scholarships, Rajshahi Education Board, Bangladesh [2007, 2009]
Professional Services
- Program Committee/Reviewer
- 2022: ICLR (expected)
- 2019: NAACL
- 2018: Southern California (SoCal) NLP Summit